Thursday 31 March 2011

Program Based Learning+AiS=PBL 2

Second phase of PBL 2 is about expenditure cycle. I realize that it is not easy to draw system flowchart and I don't know how to threat the situation given. I don't even think that i can get full marks in drawing flowchart.The best things in this expenditure cycle is to find the weaknesses and recommendations. I think we can use our common sense to answer that question. there were so many answer that we can get directly from the situation given.  I should practice more in order to get 'A". What about the statement 'knowledge will come to u' as said by En.Azmi? Sorry En.Azmi deep in my heart I still hunt the 'A' not sincerely to get the knowledge.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Program Based Learning+AiS=PBL 1

Learn Accounting Information System by using program based learning which is I like most. This is because I can learn by myself and not just wait for answer from my lecturer. During PBL SESSION 1, I learn about how revenue cycle was done by going through it's flow chart, important documents, weaknesses, strengths, risks and also recommendations to improve. Besides that, me and my group will study more because we will present in front of our classmates and lecturer. This may help us improve our communication skills and at the same time increase our confidence level. In addition, program based learning may help us to understand more as we can hear a differences answer from others group during presentation.

Friday 18 March 2011

Presentation Skills??

I realize that:
1. I should use attractive visual- try to be
2. Explain briefly, slowly, smoothly-not memorize.
3. Improve eye contacts and body gesture with audience
4.Avoid audiences feel bored and sleepy.
5. Improve my pronunciation-too 'kampung'
6. I must learn by previous mistake